Live Bright Now Blog

Bright thoughts on company culture, leadership, family and adventure + awe.

Candra Canning Candra Canning

Understanding "Awe" and Its Powerful Impact on Company Culture

Have you ever witnessed something so amazing it brought tears to your eyes? Put a lump in your throat? Or stopped you dead in your tracks?

You might never have thought about it until now, but that intense physical, emotional and mental response is the emotion of awe.

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Candra Canning Candra Canning

Fostering Strong Leadership: Cultivating Company Culture for Success

In today's dynamic business landscape, the significance of company culture cannot be overstated. However, crafting and sustaining a vibrant culture remains a challenge for many organizations. At the core of this challenge lies the pivotal role of leadership. Leaders wield considerable influence over organizational culture, shaping it through their actions, words, and attitudes.

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Candra Canning Candra Canning

Enhancing Team Dynamics: Creating Your Personal Operations Manual

On the day of my wedding, my friends presented my husband with a rather unconventional gift: a large binder wrapped in pink fur titled "The Fisherman’s Guide to Life with Candra." Familiar with me more intimately than anyone else, they believed that this "operations manual" could provide him with valuable insights into my quirks and preferences. From my early morning habits to my propensity for nodding off mid-conversation, from my penchant for costumes to my stubborn streak, they left no stone unturned.

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company culture, leadership Candra Canning company culture, leadership Candra Canning

The Great Re-Evaluation: Creating Work Cultures Where People Want to Be

During a recent conversation on The Business of Being Human podcast, I got to go deep with one of my favorite topics: the transformative power of workplace culture. I chatted with host Wendy Horng Brawer, who’s on the leadership team at Intune Collective, about how intentional culture can be an antidote to the “Great Resignation.” We talked about how articulating a clear mission and shared values inspires people to join, and stay with, a company. Why recognizing employees and letting their individual strengths shine is a game-changer for retention, productivity, and morale. And why working one-on-one with CEOs is the secret to making culture changes that last.

Here’s a bit more about some of the things we discussed.

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