Five Strategies for Navigating Change

For every new project, client, or role we take on, there’s always a period of finding one’s footing. Common questions arise: Was saying "yes" the right decision? Does discomfort mean it might not be? Is this really a good fit? Will things eventually feel normal?

Here are five strategies that might help you through the turbulence of change:

  1. Expect to Feel Uncomfortable. It may seem obvious, but acknowledging discomfort is a powerful first step to regaining balance. Big changes naturally take us outside our comfort zone, and recognizing this can be grounding.

  2. Reframe Your Thinking. If a new schedule requires you to adjust your routine, it’s a good time to recall the "big picture" reasons for taking on the change in the first place. If it helps, make a list!

  3. Get Curious. New clients or roles often mean learning new systems. Whether adjusting to a new platform, switching software, or tackling compliance requirements, try to view each task with curiosity. Ask yourself what you can learn or even how this might be an improvement on your previous way of doing things.

  4. Watch Your Language. Swap phrases like "Now I have to learn X" with "Now I get to learn X." This small language shift promotes a growth mindset, making you more open to new experiences. How you frame your challenges can redefine frustration as opportunity.

  5. Be Kind to Yourself. Allow yourself room to feel discomfort and to work through it. Treat yourself with the compassion you’d offer a friend in a similar position. Pay attention to what helps you feel centered and calm; schedule in those grounding activities as part of your week.

Transitions bring excitement and exhaustion in equal measure. By expecting a bit of both, you can make mindful choices that help you navigate change more smoothly and find your footing faster.


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