Live Bright Now Blog

Bright thoughts on company culture, leadership, family and adventure + awe.

company culture, leadership, family culture Candra Canning company culture, leadership, family culture Candra Canning

I’ve Got My “Thuperman Thuit On Under.” How About You?

Like many of us, this is typically the time of year when I get to reconnect with far-flung relatives during large, loud family gatherings. Since that’s impossible right now, I’ve been reconnecting with some of my favorite family stories and memories.

Here’s one that keeps resurfacing. When my nephew, Dwight, was about four-years-old, he and his pal Justin were in my sister’s backyard. The boys were dressed as Ninja Turtles, lunging at each other with pretend swords.

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company culture, leadership Candra Canning company culture, leadership Candra Canning

Sometimes We All Need to Put On Our “Big Girl Pants.” Here’s How.

Not long ago, I got a voice message from one of my Live Bright Now clients, a female CEO named Joanne. “I need to put on my big girl pants,” she said. “Can we talk?” Turns out Joanne had an upcoming video conference with one of her male counterparts in Europe about running their global business team. Based on previous interactions with her colleague, Joanne knew he was stubborn and had a sizable ego. For his part, he felt like she had unrealistic expectations for the team. For Joanne, “big girl pants” was code for holding her ground and staying firm when asking for what her team needed.

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company culture, leadership Candra Canning company culture, leadership Candra Canning

Life Is a Contact Sport: 3 Tips to Avoid Getting Hurt

For the past few weeks, one phrase keeps popping up in my brain: Life is a contact sport. I’ve been feeling a lot of “contact” from all directions lately. Since “normal” daily life now is pretty darn intense—and the political unrest is only heightening the intensity—I think we’re all feeling more sensitive and vulnerable than usual. I’m probably not the only one regularly nursing a few bumps and bruises. Question is, can we learn something from the injuries we’re sustaining?

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company culture, leadership, family culture Candra Canning company culture, leadership, family culture Candra Canning

On the Importance of Now

The past couple of weeks have been pretty overwhelming for a lot of us. When the pandemic is about the fourth item on the news, coming after the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, outrage at racial injustice, and the terrifying fires and smoke here in the West, you know things are getting crazy. As the world seems to darken by the day, it can feel hard or even impossible to find much brightness.

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company culture, leadership Candra Canning company culture, leadership Candra Canning

What Surgery Taught Me About Navigating the Pandemic, Business, and Life

A few weeks ago, I had to schedule a medical procedure. My diagnosis wasn’t serious, and my doctor assured me I’d bounce back fast. Going into the operation, I was pretty nonchalant. Once back home, however, I quickly ditched my blasé attitude. If the meds were working, I was comfortable but loopy. When they wore off, I was lucid but in pain. Either way, I was totally off my game.

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company culture, leadership Candra Canning company culture, leadership Candra Canning

How to Live Bright In Spite of, Well, Everything

Sometimes learning to locate the brightness in your life in spite of what’s happening around you is a fundamental survival skill. You know how flight attendants remind us that, in case of an emergency, we should put on our own oxygen mask first? These days, the equivalent safety instruction is to remember to take care of ourselves in order to be at our best for others. Learning to find moments of peace amidst uncertainty helps us cultivate calm and resilience. It’s good for us, and it’s also good for everyone around us.

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